
AUGMENTED REALITY: DAHRC AR Initiatve with the Microsoft HoloLens

AUGMENTED REALITY: DAHRC AR Initiatve with the Microsoft HoloLens

Pratt DAHRC has received the Microsoft HoloLens Wave 1 Developers’s status. There will be a number of applications to be developed in the category of art, design, medical, entertainment, and fashion. One thing about the holograms: THEY STICK! Once the holograms are placed, they do not shake or jitter.  The tracking capability of the HoloLens(…)

DAHRC Attic – Issue 013_001 : Explorations and Achievements of the DAHRC as the former DAL

DAHRC Attic – Issue 013_001 : Explorations and Achievements of the DAHRC as the former DAL

The DAHRC Attic series features materials which may not necessary be chronologically new, but nevertheless are deemed relevant to what Pratt DAHRC believes to have value.  Curated from submissions and nominations, noting significant works of researchers, students, faculty, alumni and friends of Pratt, and possibly others, efforts which are educational and notable achievements and recognitions will be(…)

Westlane: NYC Westside Transit System – Exploration of Social Media in Mobility

Westlane: NYC Westside Transit System – Exploration of Social Media in Mobility

Westlane is a NYC Westside Highway Transit System which integrate social media with transportation system.  New vehicle design and the transit system were developed, and new grounds on which transit systems and social media can come together to deliver new user experiences. The research, design, and system development was executed during the senior thesis seminar by(…)

Pratt-Cornell Collaboration: Article 1

Pratt-Cornell Collaboration: Article 1

Pratt DAHRC collaborates with Weill-Cornell Medical College for interdisciplinary research, education, and technology development.  Some results of the effort which are ready for release are mentioned here.   Science Visualization Developmental Cell Cover Illustration Pratt researchers HyukJae Henry Yoo and Tianxu Tim Guo created a scientific illustration to augment the publication of a science journal(…)